Monday, November 13, 2006

The information-driven enterprise

Information matters. To compete in a real-time world, you need real-time information.

Imagine having built-in business intelligence in your IT systems. Imagine being able to deliver real-time, accurate, and actionable information to your executives, managers, and frontline workers, so they can respond to changing conditions, seize business opportunities, and make smarter decisions. You don't have to imagine it. Oracle is making the information-driven enterprise a reality-right now.

Oracle: The Information Company

Oracle understands information. We solve more complex problems in governments and businesses around the world than any other technology provider-and we've been doing it for nearly 30 years. At the heart of Oracle is a single focus: finding better ways to manage information.

Information in One Place

Today your company relies on information technology, and your existing systems may provide you with a partial version of the truth. But the problems created by the complexity of your computing infrastructure likely outweigh the benefits you receive. You need all of your information in one place, giving you a single source of truth from which to make your business decisions. This kind of real-time, consolidated information is available only if all business applications are engineered to work together by using a single information repository. Oracle is the only company that builds all the software necessary to do this. And we can do it at the lowest possible cost.

Information Matters
Successful information-driven businesses need to follow three key principles: Simplify, Standardize and Automate.

Adhering to these principles has saved Oracle more than US$1 billion in operating costs-so far. With these principles we have coordinated and streamlined all our business processes worldwide. We believe that our customers can get more from their own information by using Oracle's software and services and applying these principles to their organizations.

The best way to simplify IT systems-and business operations-is to consolidate information. Businesses need to know how their supply chain is faring, how quickly inventory is moving, what competitors are doing, and where the markets are going. Now. Not next quarter. To get this complete view of their customers and their business, companies have to simplify. Oracle's Information Architecture consolidates all organizational information in one database for a clear and accurate picture of every customer, every product and service, and every transaction.

Any modern information infrastructure must connect every aspect of an enterprise-from ustomer service and manufacturing to human resources and accounts payable. Compatibility of all IT components is critical-it allows organizations to share data among their systems, across the front and back office. Oracle's Information Architecture is composed of integrated, standards-based technologies for infrastructure and applications. Using open, readily available components as much as possible reduces costs, streamlines management and maintenance, and increases adaptability. Plus, with standard systems and applications, training becomes more streamlined and repeatable, further reducing costs.

What distinguishes Information Age applications from prior models is a much higher level of automation. Older-model applications provided only partial process automation. They were task-specific and designed to tackle little jobs here and there. This created fragmented data every-where, preventing further automation at the global level. Oracle software gives companies a complete view of what is going on in their business systems. It includes management capabilities that eliminate many of the day-to-day operational headaches associated with maintaining omplex data centers and preserves data integrity for use across the entire organization.

Oracle: Customer-Driven
Our success depends on the success of our customers. We succeed when we connect with our customers' business goals and challenges and provide the software, services, and ideas that allow them to get on with their business. We believe that information matters. We believe that information is power. And we believe in doing everything we can to help our customers get the information they need, lower their costs, and make the best decisions, so that they can compete and win.

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